Lab Tests Near Me In Sikar, Rajasthan

List Of Lab Test Price In Sikar

S.No Test Name Category Price
1 Hba1c Diabetes ₹300
2 Liver Function Test Lft Liver ₹650
3 1,5 Anhydroglucitol Diabetes,infertility ₹800
4 17 Oh Progesterone Infertility ₹750
5 25-oh Vitamin D (total) Metabolic Wellness Bone Disease ₹1000
6 Aarogyam 1.1 - ₹1600
7 Aarogyam 1.2 - ₹1800
8 Aarogyam 1.3 - ₹2900
9 Aarogyam 1.4 - ₹3360
10 Aarogyam 1.5 - ₹3600
11 Aarogyam 1.6 - ₹4200
12 Aarogyam 1.7 - ₹4800
13 Aarogyam 1.8 - ₹5040
14 Aarogyam A - ₹1200
15 Aarogyam B - ₹1400
16 Aarogyam Basic 1 - ₹799
17 Aarogyam Basic 2 - ₹899
18 Aarogyam C - ₹1900
19 Aarogyam Dual Offer - ₹1650
20 Aarogyam Female - ₹2600
21 Aarogyam Male - ₹2400
22 Aarogyam Mini 1 - ₹599
23 Aarogyam Mini 2 - ₹599
24 Aarogyam Monsoon Advanced - ₹0
25 Aarogyam Monsoon Advanced - ₹1499
26 Aarogyam Monsoon Advanced - ₹1549
27 Aarogyam Monsoon Advanced - ₹1549
28 Aarogyam Monsoon Basic - ₹0
29 Aarogyam Monsoon Basic - ₹999
30 Aarogyam Monsoon Basic - ₹1049
31 Aarogyam Monsoon Basic - ₹1049
32 Aarogyam Screen 1+1 - ₹750
33 Aarogyam Tax Saver Advanced - ₹4999
34 Aarogyam Tax Saver Basic - ₹2499
35 Aarogyam X - ₹5640
36 Aarogyam Xl - ₹6000
37 Acetylcholine Receptor Autoantibody Cardiac ₹2000
38 Acid Phosphatase Oncology ₹400
39 Adenosine Deaminase Infection ₹500
40 Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (acth) Metabolic ₹750
41 Advanced Renal Profile Metabolic ₹650
42 Alanine Transaminase (sgpt) Liver ₹600
43 Albumin - Serum Liver ₹600
44 Aldolase Metabolic ₹1000
45 Alkaline Phosphatase Liver Hepatitis Arthritis Metabolic ₹600
46 Alpha Feto Protein (afp) Liver Pregnancy Cancer ₹500
47 Alpha Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase Liver Pregnancy ₹600
48 Alpha1 Acid Glycoprotein Infection Liver ₹600
49 Alpha2 Macroglobulin Renal ₹600
50 Aluminium Toxic ₹1000
51 Amphetamine Drug Of Abuse ₹600
52 Amylase Pancreatitis Liver ₹450
53 Androstenedione (a4) Infertility ₹750
54 Anemia Profile - Advanced Arthritis,renal ₹4000
55 Anemia Profile - Basic Anemia ₹2600
56 Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Cardiac ₹600
57 Anti - Dsdna Autoimmune ₹500
58 Anti Ccp (accp) Arthritis ₹1200
59 Anti Chlamydia Antibody Igg Infection ₹300
60 Anti Chlamydia Antibody Igm Infection ₹300
61 Anti Deamidated Gliadin Peptide - Iga Gastrointestinal ₹300
62 Anti Deamidated Gliadin Peptide - Igg Gastrointestinal ₹300
63 Anti Glomerular Basement Membrane Protein - Igg Autoimmune ₹1800
64 Anti Hepatitis A Virus (anti Hav) - Igm Hepatitis ₹950
65 Anti Hepatitis A Virus (hav) - Total Hepatitis ₹650
66 Anti Hepatitis B Core Antigen (ahbc) - Igm Hepatitis ₹650
67 Anti Hepatitis B Envelope Antigen (ahbe) -total Hepatitis ₹800
68 Anti Hepatitis B Surface Antigen - Total Hepatitis ₹650
69 Anti Hepatitis E Virus (anti Hev) - Igm Hepatitis ₹950
70 Anti Microsomal Antibody (ama) Autoimmune Thyroid ₹1100
71 Anti Mullerian Hormone (amh) Autoimmune ₹2000
72 Anti Nuclear Antibodies (ana) Arthritis Autoimmune ₹520
73 Anti Phospholipid Antibody (apl) - Igg Autoimmune ₹750
74 Anti Phospholipid Antibody (apl) - Igm Autoimmune ₹750
75 Anti Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Iga Antibodies Gastrointestinal ₹1000
76 Anti Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Igg Antibodies Gastrointestinal ₹1000
77 Anti Scl - 70 Antibody Autoimmune ₹300
78 Anti Streptolysin - O (aso) Arthritis Cardiac ₹500
79 Anti Thyroglobulin Antibody (atg) Autoimmune ₹650
80 Antidnase-b (dnb) Infection ₹4000
81 Antimony Toxic ₹1000
82 Antinuclear Antibodies-17 Blot Arthritis ₹2500
83 Antithrombin Iii Coagulation ₹1200
84 Arsenic Toxic ₹1000
85 Arthritis Profile - Advanced Anaemia ₹4000
86 Arthritis Profile - Basic Bone Health ₹2600
87 Aspartate Aminotransferase (sgot ) Liver ₹600
88 Aspergillus Galactomannan Antigen Infection ₹2000
89 Barbiturates Drug Of Abuse ₹600
90 Barium Toxic ₹1000
91 Benzodiazepines Drug Of Abuse ₹600
92 Beryllium Toxic ₹1000
93 Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1 - Igg Autoimmune ₹500
94 Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1 - Igm Autoimmune ₹500
95 Beta Hcg Pregnancy Cancer ₹500
96 Beta2 Microglobulin Renal ₹600
97 Bicarbonate Electrolyte Metabolic ₹300
98 Bilirubin - Total Liver ₹600
99 Bilirubin -direct Liver ₹600
100 Bismuth Toxic ₹1000
101 Blood Element Analysis Profile Toxic ₹0
102 Blood Urea Nitrogen (bun) Renal ₹600
103 Bone Profile - Advanced Elements ₹3200
104 Bone Profile - Basic Elements ₹2200
105 C-reactive Protein (crp) Wellness ₹400
106 Ca 15.3 Oncology ₹750
107 Ca 19.9 Oncology ₹750
108 Ca-125 Oncology ₹750
109 Cadmium Toxic ₹1000
110 Caesium Toxic ₹1000
111 Calcitonin Thyroid ₹600
112 Calcium Metabolic Arthritis ₹600
113 Carcino Embryonic Antigen (cea) Oncology ₹500
114 Cardiac Profile - Advanced Metabolic,wellness,bone Disease ₹4000
115 Cardiac Profile - Basic Anaemia,pregnancy ₹3000
116 Cardiac Risk Markers Wellness ₹0
117 Cardiac Risk Markers Advance - ₹1500
118 Cardiac Risk Markers Basic - ₹1200
119 Cardiolipin Antibody (acl) - Iga Autoimmune Pregnancy ₹500
120 Cardiolipin Antibody (acl) - Igm Autoimmune Pregnancy ₹500
121 Cardiolipin Antibody (acl) -igg Autoimmune Pregnancy ₹500
122 Ceruloplasmin Wellness ₹750
123 Chloride Renal ₹600
124 Cholinesterase Liver Poisoning ₹300
125 Chromium Toxic ₹1000
126 Cobalt Toxic ₹1000
127 Cocaine Drug Of Abuse ₹600
128 Complement 3 (c3) Autoimmune ₹500
129 Complement 4 (c4) Autoimmune ₹500
130 Complete Blood Count (cbc) Wellness ₹300
131 Complete Blood Count Profile (cbc) Wellness ₹300
132 Complete Urine Analysis Renal ₹300
133 Complete Vitamins Profile Vitamin ₹3000
134 Copper Toxic ₹1000
135 Cortisol Metabolic ₹500
136 Cotinine Wellness ₹300
137 Covid Antibody - Gt Covid ₹700
138 Covid Antibody Igg - C.l.i.a Covid ₹400
139 Covid Antibody Igg - Elisa Infection ₹390
140 Covid Antibody Total- Elisa Infection ₹300
141 Covid Neutralizing Antibody Covid ₹500
142 Covid-19 ₹400
143 Creatinine - Serum Renal Diabetes ₹600
144 Cystatin C Renal ₹500
145 Cytomegalo Virus (cmv) - Igg Infection Pregnancy ₹300
146 Cytomegalo Virus (cmv) - Igm Infection Pregnancy ₹300
147 D-dimer Coagulation ₹1200
148 Dengue Ns1 Antigen Rapid Test Infection Liver ₹300
149 Dhea - Sulphate (dheas) Infertility ₹500
150 Diabetes Profile Advanced - ₹2000
151 Diabetes Profile Basic - ₹1000
152 Diabetic Profile Advanced - ₹2000
153 Diabetic Profile Basic - ₹1000
154 Diabetic Profile - Advanced Anaemia,liver ₹4000
155 Diabetic Profile - Basic Anaemia ₹1500
156 Digoxin Cardiac ₹300
157 Dihydrotestosterone (dht) Steroid Hormone ₹1000
158 Direct Coombs Test Hemolytic Anemia ₹300
159 Direct Renin Hypertension ₹300
160 Echinococcus - Igg Infection ₹300
161 Entamoeba Histolytica - Igg Infection ₹300
162 Epstein Barr Viral Capsid Antigen - Igg Infection ₹1200
163 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (esr) Wellness ₹600
164 Erythropoietin Renal ₹750
165 Estradiol/oestrogen (e2) Infertility Pregnancy ₹550
166 Ethanol Drug Of Abuse ₹500
167 Fasting Blood Sugar Diabetes ₹480
168 Fat - Soluble Vitamins Profile Metabolic,wellness,bone Disease ₹1800
169 Ferritin - ₹520
170 Fever Profile Typhoid ₹780
171 Filaria Antigen Rapid Test Infection ₹1200
172 Folate Anaemia Pregnancy ₹750
173 Follicle Stimulating Hormone (fsh) Infertility ₹390
174 Food Intolerance Profile Food Intolerance ₹10000
175 Free Beta Hcg Pregnancy ₹300
176 Free Psa Oncology ₹750
177 Free Testosterone Infertility ₹750
178 Free Thyroxine (ft4) Thyroid Pregnancy ₹650
179 Free Triiodothyronine (ft3) Thyroid Pregnancy ₹650
180 Fructosamine Wellness ₹300
181 Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (ggt) Liver ₹600
182 Gastrin Gastrointestinal ₹700
183 Gastro / Gut Health Panel Liver ₹799
184 Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase Infection ₹500
185 Haptoglobin Inflammatory Hematology ₹400
186 Hdl Cholesterol - Direct Cardiac Diabetes ₹600
187 Hemoglobin Wellness ₹550
188 Hepatitis A Virus Antibody Igm(havm) Rapid Test Infection Liver ₹450
189 Hepatitis B Core Antibody Rapid Test Infection Liver ₹650
190 Hepatitis B Enevelope Antigen(hbeag) Rapid Test Infection Liver ₹450
191 Hepatitis B Envelope Antibody Rapid Test Infection Liver ₹650
192 Hepatitis B Envelope Antigen (hbeag) Hepatitis ₹650
193 Hepatitis B Profile Liver,hepatitis,arthritis,metabolic,, ₹3200
194 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen(hbsag) Rapid Test Infection Liver ₹650
195 Hepatitis B Virus (hbv) Qualitative Pcr Hepatitis ₹3150
196 Hepatitis B Virus (hbv) Quantitative Pcr Hepatitis ₹3150
197 Hepatitis C Antibody(hcvab) Rapid Test Infection Liver ₹650
198 Hepatitis C Virus - Igg Hepatitis ₹400
199 Hepatitis C Virus - Igm Infection ₹950
200 Hepatitis C Virus (hcv) Qualitative Pcr Hepatitis ₹3150
201 Hepatitis C Virus (hcv) Quantitative Pcr Hepatitis ₹3150
202 Hepatitis E Virus Antibody Igm(hevm) Rapid Test Infection Liver ₹450
203 Hepatitis E Virus Igg Infection Liver ₹500
204 Hepatitis Panel Liver,hepatitis,arthritis,metabolic,, ₹5000
205 Herpes Simplex Virus (hsv)-igg Infection Pregnancy ₹300
206 Herpes Simplex Virus (hsv)-igm Infection Pregnancy ₹300
207 Herpes Simplex Virus I (hsv)-igm Infection Pregnancy ₹300
208 Herpes Simplex Virus Ii (hsv)-igg Infection Pregnancy ₹300
209 Herpes Simplex Virus Ii (hsv)-igm Infection Pregnancy ₹300
210 High Risk Hpv Genotyping Oncology ₹1800
211 High Sensitivity C-reactive Protein (hs-crp) Wellness ₹400
212 Hiv - Western Blot Infection ₹3000
213 Hiv 1/2 Antibody Rapid Test Infection ₹600
214 Hiv-1, Rna Qualitative Pcr Infection ₹2500
215 Hiv-1, Rna Quantitative Pcr Infection ₹3800
216 Hla-b27 Arthritis Autoimmune ₹1500
217 Homocysteine Wellness ₹1100
218 Human Growth Hormone (hgh) Metabolic ₹500
219 Igm Low Concentration Infection ₹1800
220 Immunoglobulin A (iga) Autoimmune ₹750
221 Immunoglobulin E (ige) Inflammatory Allergy ₹1200
222 Immunoglobulin G (igg) Autoimmune ₹750
223 Indirect Coombs Test Hemolytic Anemia ₹300
224 Infection Checkup Profile Infection ₹3000
225 Infertility Profile - Advanced Thyroid,infertility ₹4000
226 Infertility Profile - Basic Infertility ₹2200
227 Influenza Panel (influenza A And B And H1n1) Wellness ₹3000
228 Inhibin A Wellness ₹2000
229 Insulin - Fasting Diabetes ₹500
230 Insulin - Pp Diabetes ₹400
231 Insulin Antibodies Diabetes ₹1200
232 Insulin Like Growth Factor 1 Endocrine ₹800
233 Interleukin-6 Tuberculosis ₹1000
234 Ionic Calcium Wellness ₹300
235 Iron Anaemia Pregnancy ₹600
236 Iron Deficiency Profile Anaemia,pregnancy ₹500
237 Kala Azar Antibody Rapid Test Infection ₹600
238 Kappa Light Chain Oncology ₹600
239 Ketamine Drug Of Abuse ₹600
240 Kidpro Arthritis,renal ₹585
241 Lactate Cardiac Muscle ₹400
242 Lactate Dehydrogenase (ldh) Cardiac ₹330
243 Lambda Light Chain Oncology ₹600
244 Ldl Cholesterol - Direct Cardiac Diabetes ₹600
245 Lead Toxic ₹1000
246 Leptospira-igm Infection ₹500
247 Lipase Pancreatitis ₹590
248 Lipid Profile Cardiac ₹500
249 Lithium Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ₹400
250 Liver Kidney Microsomes Autoimmune ₹750
251 Lp-pla2 Wellness ₹390
252 Luteinising Hormone (lh) Infertility ₹390
253 Magnesium Metabolic ₹650
254 Manganese Toxic ₹1000
255 Measles Antibody - Igg Infection ₹600
256 Measles Antibody - Igm Infection ₹600
257 Mercury Toxic ₹1000
258 Metabolic Profile - Advanced Metabolic,arthritis ₹4000
259 Metabolic Profile - Basic Arthritis,renal ₹3000
260 Methadone Drug Of Abuse ₹600
261 Methamphetamine Drug Of Abuse ₹600
262 Mini Health Checkup - ₹650
263 Molybdenum Toxic ₹1000
264 Monsoon Fever Panel - Advanced Typhoid ₹2000
265 Monsoon Fever Panel - Basic Infection ₹1500
266 Monsoon Gastro Infection Panel Infection,liver ₹1299
267 Mpo - Anca ( P - Anca ) Arthritis Autoimmune ₹750
268 Mumps Antibody - Igg Infection ₹600
269 Mumps Antibody - Igm Infection ₹600
270 Myoglobin Cardiac Muscle ₹1000
271 N Acetyl Beta D Glucosaminidase Renal ₹400
272 Neonatal Hemoglobin Electrophoresis Hematology ₹750
273 Neonatal Thyroid Stimulating Hormone # (tsh) Metabolic ₹600
274 Nickel Toxic ₹1000
275 Nicotine Metabolites Smoking ₹1800
276 Opiates Drug Of Abuse ₹600
277 Paleo Profile - Advanced Renal ₹4000
278 Paleo Profile - Basic Anaemia,liver ₹2600
279 Pcod Profile Thyroid,pregnancy,infertility ₹3000
280 Phencyclidine Drug Of Abuse ₹600
281 Phenobarbital/gardenal Serum Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ₹700
282 Phenytoin / Dilantin / Eptoin Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ₹500
283 Platelet Count Wellness ₹550
284 Postprandial Blood Sugar Diabetes ₹480
285 Potassium Wellness ₹600
286 Pr3 - Anca ( C-anca ) Autoimmune ₹750
287 Prealbumin Liver ₹400
288 Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein A Pregnancy ₹300
289 Procalcitonin Infection ₹750
290 Progesterone Infertility Pregnancy ₹500
291 Prolactin (prl) Infertility ₹380
292 Properdin Factor B Renal ₹1000
293 Propoxyphene Drug Of Abuse ₹600
294 Prostate Specific Antigen (psa) Oncology ₹400
295 Protein - Total Liver ₹600
296 Protein Electrophoresis Oncology ₹750
297 Pyruvate Metabolic ₹300
298 Random Blood Sugar Diabetes ₹480
299 Reticulocyte Count (%) Anaemia ₹300
300 Rheumatoid Factor (rf) Arthritis Autoimmune ₹500
301 Rubella - Igg Infection Pregnancy ₹300
302 Rubella - Igm Infection Pregnancy ₹300
303 Selenium Toxic ₹1000
304 Serum Amyloid A Protein Inflammatory ₹600
305 Serum Copper Elements ₹300
306 Serum Globulin Liver ₹600
307 Serum Zinc Elements ₹300
308 Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (shbg) Infertility ₹1000
309 Sialic Acid Metabolic ₹300
310 Sickle Cell Test Anaemia ₹300
311 Silver Toxic ₹1000
312 Small Dense Ldl Wellness ₹470
313 Smokers Panel Advanced - ₹3000
314 Smokers Panel Basic - ₹2000
315 Sodium Renal ₹600
316 Steroid Profile Vitamin ₹3000
317 Strontium Toxic ₹1000
318 Syphilis Rapid Test Infection ₹600
319 Tb Whole Genome Sequencing - ₹8000
320 Testosterone Infertility ₹390
321 Tetrahydrocannabinol Drug Of Abuse ₹600
322 Thallium Toxic ₹1000
323 Thyroid Profile Test T3-t4-tsh Thyroid ₹300
324 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (tsh) Thyroid Pregnancy Infertility ₹600
325 Tin Toxic ₹1000
326 Tissue Transglutaminase - Iga (ttg) Allergy ₹750
327 Torch All Eight Infection,pregnancy ₹2000
328 Total Bile Acid Liver ₹500
329 Total Cholesterol Cardiac Diabetes ₹600
330 Total Ige Allergy ₹520
331 Total Iron Binding Capacity (tibc) Anaemia ₹625
332 Total Leucocytes Count Wellness ₹550
333 Total Rbc Wellness ₹550
334 Total Thyroxine (t4) Thyroid Infertility ₹600
335 Total Triiodothyronine (t3) Thyroid Infertility ₹600
336 Toxo Gondii - Igg Infection Pregnancy ₹300
337 Toxo Gondii - Igm Infection Pregnancy ₹300
338 Transferrin Serum Iron Deficiency ₹400
339 Treponema Pallidum Antibody (tpab) Infection ₹300
340 Treponema Pallidum Haemagglutination Infection ₹500
341 Triglycerides Cardiac Diabetes ₹600
342 Troponin I Rapid Test Cardiac ₹500
343 Tsh - Ultrasensitive Thyroid ₹600
344 Tsh Receptor Antibodies Metabolic ₹1200
345 Tumour Panel (female) Pregnancy,cancer ₹3000
346 Tumour Panel (male) Pregnancy,cancer ₹3000
347 Unconjugated Estriol (e3) Pregnancy ₹300
348 Uranium Toxic ₹1000
349 Uric Acid - ₹600
350 Urinary Cortisol Endocrine ₹300
351 Urinary Microalbumin Diabetes Renal ₹600
352 Urine Pregnancy Rapid Test Pregnancy ₹600
353 Valproic Acid Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ₹500
354 Vanadium Toxic ₹1000
355 Varicella Zoster Virus Antibody - Igg Infection ₹700
356 Varicella Zoster Virus Antibody - Igm Infection ₹700
357 Vdrl (rpr) For Syphilis Wellness ₹600
358 Vitamin A Metabolic Wellness Bone Disease ₹2000
359 Vitamin B Complex Profile Anaemia,liver ₹1800
360 Vitamin B-12 - ₹650
361 Vitamin D 1,25 - Dihydroxy Wellness ₹2500
362 Vitamin D Profile Vitamin ₹1300
363 Vitamin E Metabolic Wellness Bone Disease ₹2000
364 Vitamin K Metabolic Wellness Bone Disease ₹2000
365 Zinc Toxic ₹1000

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