Food Intolerance Profile Lab Test Book online in Budhana Gate Area , Meerut, 250002


Food Intolerance Profile

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₹10,300.00 ₹10000 3%Off

Includes : 218 Parameters

Egg White, Casein, Sheep Milk, Goat Milk, Egg Yolk, Buffalo Milk, Alpha-lactalbumin, Cows Milk, Beta-lactoglobulin, Alga Espaguette, Alga Spirulina, A... Read More

Test Code:- P651, Type:- PROFILE, Fasting:- Not Required

S.No Parameter
1 Egg White
2 Casein
3 Sheep Milk
4 Goat Milk
5 Egg Yolk
6 Buffalo Milk
7 Alpha-lactalbumin
8 Cows Milk
9 Beta-lactoglobulin
10 Alga Espaguette
11 Alga Spirulina
12 Anchovy
13 Bass
14 Carp
15 Caviar
16 Clam
17 Cockle
18 Cod
19 Crab
20 Cuttlefish Dorado
21 Sea Bream
22 Eel
23 Haddock
24 Hake
25 Herring
26 Lobster
27 Mackerel
28 Barnacle
29 Monkfish
30 Mussel
31 Octopus
32 Oyster
33 Perch
34 Pike
35 Plaice
36 Razor Clam
37 Salmon
38 Sardine
39 Scallop
40 Sole
41 Squid
42 Swordfish
43 Trout
44 Tuna
45 Turbot
46 Winkle
47 Alga Wakame
48 Apple
49 Apricot
50 Avocado
51 Banana
52 Blackberry
53 Blackcurrant
54 Blueberry
55 Cherry
56 Cranberry
57 Date
58 Fig
59 Grape
60 Grapefruit
61 Guava
62 Kiwi
63 Lemon
64 Lime
65 Lychee
66 Mango
67 Melon (honeydew)
68 Mulberry
69 Nectarine
70 Olive
71 Orange
72 Papaya
73 Peach
74 Pear
75 Pineapple
76 Plum
77 Pomegranate
78 Raisin
79 Raspberry
80 Redcurrant
81 Rhubarb
82 Strawberry
83 Tangerine
84 Tomato
85 Watermelon
86 Beef
87 Billy Goat
88 Chiken
89 Duck
90 Horse
91 Lamb
92 Ostrich
93 Box
94 Patridge
95 Pork
96 Quail
97 Rabbit
98 Turkey
99 Veal
100 Venison
101 Wild Boar
102 Buckwheat
103 Couscous
104 Durum Wheat
105 Flax Seed
106 Millet
107 Oat
108 Polenta
109 Quinoa
110 Rice
111 Rye Flour
112 Spelt
113 Transglutaminase
114 Wheat Bran
115 Barley
116 Corn (maize)
117 Gliadin
118 Malt
119 Wheat
120 Almond
121 Cashew Nut
122 Brazil Nut
123 Cocount
124 Hazelnut
125 Macadamia Nut
126 Peanut
127 Pine Nut
128 Pistachio
129 Tiger Nut
130 Walnut
131 Amaranth
132 Artichoke
133 Asparagus
134 Aubergine
135 Bean (broad)
136 Bean (green)
137 Bean (red Kidney)
138 Bean (white Haricot)
139 Beetroot
140 Broccoli
141 Brussel Sprout
142 Cabbage
143 Cabbage (red)
144 Caper
145 Carrot
146 Cauliflower
147 Celery
148 Chard
149 Chickpea
150 Chicory
151 Cucumber
152 Fennel (leaf)
153 Gourd (squash)
154 Leek
155 Lentil
156 Lettuce
157 Marrow
158 Onion
159 Pea
160 Potato
161 Radish
162 Rocket
163 Shallot
164 Soybean
165 Spinach
166 Sweet Potato
167 Turnip
168 Watercress
169 Yuca
170 Aniseed
171 Basil
172 Bay Leaf
173 Camomile
174 Cayenne
175 Cinnamon
176 Clove
177 Coriander Leaf
178 Cumin
179 Dill
180 Garlic
181 Ginger
182 Aloe Vera
183 Ginkgo
184 Ginseng
185 Hops
186 Liquorice
187 Marjoram
188 Mint
189 Mustard Seed
190 Nettle
191 Nutmeg
192 Parsley
193 Peppermint
194 Red Chilli
195 Rosemary
196 Saffron
197 Sage
198 Tarragon
199 Thyme
200 Vanilla
201 Agar Agar
202 Cane Sugar
203 Carob
204 Chestnut
205 Cocoa Bean
206 Coffee
207 Cola Nut
208 Honey
209 Mushroom
210 Rapeseed
211 Sesame Seed
212 Sunflower Seed
213 Tapioca
214 Tea (black)
215 Tea (green)
216 Yeast (baker's)
217 Yeast (brewer's)
218 Food Intolerance Profile

LabTest Service Partner and Reporting Managed by


1. Technician From Thyrocare will be assigned for a sample collection after appointment confirmation.

2. Sample will be collected by Technician at your address at given slot.

3. Report Soft copy report will be send to your email address within 24 to 48 hours.

List Of Lab Test Price In Meerut, Uttar Pradesh

S.No Test Name Category Price
1 Hba1c Diabetes ₹300
2 Liver Function Test Lft Liver ₹650
3 1,5 Anhydroglucitol Diabetes, Infertility ₹800
4 17 Oh Progesterone Infertility ₹750
5 Aarogyam 1.7 - ₹4800
6 Advanced Renal Profile Metabolic ₹650
7 C-reactive Protein (crp) Wellness ₹400
8 Complete Urine Analysis Renal ₹300
9 Complete Vitamins Profile Vitamin ₹3000
10 Creatinine - Serum Renal Diabetes ₹600
11 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (esr) Wellness ₹600
12 Fasting Blood Sugar Diabetes ₹480
13 Ferritin - ₹520
14 Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase Infection ₹500
15 Insulin - Fasting Diabetes ₹500
16 Lipid Profile Cardiac ₹500
17 Thyroid Profile Test T3-t4-tsh Thyroid ₹300
18 Tsh - Ultrasensitive Thyroid ₹600
19 Urine Pregnancy Rapid Test Pregnancy ₹600
20 Vitamin B-12 - ₹650
21 Vitamin D 1,25 - Dihydroxy Wellness ₹2500

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I book Food Intolerance Profile in Meerut?

A. You can book Food Intolerance Profile and other diagnostic tests with DocMitra by following a simple and smooth process.Just book it online on our website or call us on the available phone number to book it on call. Our well trained patient-friendly representatives will book an appointment for you. We book the appointment on call as soon as we get the required information from you.

2. What is the price of Food Intolerance Profile in Meerut?

A. The price of Food Intolerance Profile in Meerut is Rs 10000 .

3. In how much time will I get my lab test reports?

A. You will get your reports within 24 to 48 hours.We make sure that reports are sent to you as soon as possible so that you can begin with the right treatment and medications on time.

4. Where can I see or get my test results?

A. You can receive your test results at your provided email address or also on WhatsApp upon request. DocMitra Labs makes sure to send precise and timely reports following the highest standards to maintain quality.

5. Is home sample collection available for Food Intolerance Profile?

A. Yes, home sample collection Food Intolerance Profile is available for the diagnostic tests as per your needs. Once the test is booked as per your diagnostic requirements, our expert phlebotomist from Thyrocare will reach your given address on the booked date and time slot to collect the sample.

5. Is Fasting Required in Food Intolerance Profile Test?

No fasting is not required in Food Intolerance Profile Test.


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